FULL GARDENS .com - Starting with O - Garden Plants - Comprehensive list of all varieties of plants starting with O, from Obregonia to Ozothamnus

List of Plants Starting With O

Comprehensive List of all Garden Plants starting with O

Gardening Tips Beginner and ExpertHere is a comprehensive list of plant types starting with the letter O from Obregonia to Ozothamnus and everything in between. For a complete listing of plants be sure to go back to our Plant Variety Database

List of all Garden Plants starting with O

* Obregonia
* Ochagavia
* Ochna
* Ocimum
* Odontioda (hybrid orchid genus)
* Odontocidium (hybrid orchid genus)
* Odontoglossum (an orchid genus)
* Odontonema
* Odontonia (hybrid orchid genus)
* Oemleria
* Oenanthe (water dropwort)
* Oenothera (evening primrose, sundrops)
* Olea (olive)
* Olearia (daisy bush)
* Olneya
* Olsynium
* Omphalodes (navelwort)
* Omphalogramma
* Oncidium (an orchid genus)
* Onoclea
* Ononis (restharrow)
* Onopordum
* Onosma
* Oophytum
* Ophiopogon (lilyturf)
* Ophrys (an orchid genus)
* Ophthalmophyllum
* Oplismenus
* Opuntia (prickly pears, chollas and many other cactus species)
* Orbea
* Orbeopsis
* Orchis (an orchid genus)
* Oreocereus
* Origanum (marjoram, oregano)
* Orixa
* Ornithogalum
* Ornithophora
* Orontium (golden club)
* Orostachys
* Oroya
* Ortegocactus
* Orthophytum
* Orthrosanthus
* Orychophragmus
* Oryza (rice)
* Osbeckia
* Osmanthus
* Osmarea
* Osmaronia
* Osmunda (royal fern)
* Osteomeles
* Osteospermum
* Ostrowskia (giant bellflower)
* Ostrya
* Othonna
* Ourisia
* Oxalis (shamrock, sorrel)
* Oxydendrum
* Ozothamnus